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Media Contact

Kristy Burnett
Communications Manager
(970) 491-4920
[email protected]

two piles of slash burn on a snowy landscape next to an unburned pile.

Reducing Wildland Fuels Through Pile Burning

When foresters complete forest management and fuels reduction treatments, they sometimes pile up the leftover, non-merchantable material. Trained Colorado State Forest Service personnel then burn these piles as an economical and effective method of disposing of excess wildland fire fuels.

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sunny sky on a partially snow-covered dirt row that goes through a coniferous forest.

Good Neighbor Authority Delivers Wildfire Reduction Help to North Routt County Residents

The GNA program lets the U.S. Forest Service enter into agreements with state forestry agencies to pool resources to complete critical, cross-boundary work that improves forest health, reduces wildfire risk and protects watersheds. In north Routt County, partnering with the CSFS helps the U.S. Forest Service access land-locked federal forest, reachable only with agreement of residents whose private lands surround it.

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