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Using Your New CFP™ Logos

We have created several logo files to meet your needs. We provide two PDF files and PNG files in 3 sizes. By choosing the right file for your application, you can maintain the professional look and feel of your communication material.

Printed Documents and online PDFs

Except in rare cases, you should use our PDF files. These will automatically print and display at the right resolution so you won’t have pixilation or other resolution related issues that distract from the professional look of your document. And the good news is that these are very small files and easy to use.

Presentations (Powerpoint)

Recent versions of this presentation tool easily accepts PDF files – automatically scaling the logo without loss of resolution or increasing the size your presentation file. We recommend using the PDF file unless you have an old version of this tool.

Web pages

We recommend using PNG files for the web. For the best results, pick the right size file that matches the visible size on your web page. If you use a smaller PNG file than you need, the logo will look pixilated. If you use a larger PNG file than you need, your web page may look fine, but it will take much longer to load into your viewers’ browsers. This is particularly important for viewers using smart phones and other mobile devices.

We provide 3 different size files – small, medium, and large. Your web team can also create other sized files from our PDF file.

Other Formats

You can make virtually any standard graphics file from our PDF file using tools like Adobe Acrobat. Be sure to use the right resolution for you needs. If you use the wrong com-pression or resolution setting (these are not the same thing), you may create a fuzzy or pixilated logo file.

Members, email [email protected] to change your company’s information in the CFP Database.

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