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Elk Trails Ranch

Contact Robert & Linda Brougham
Address 893 Robinson Hill Rd.
Black Hawk, CO 80422
Phone (201) 738-1406
Email [email protected]
County, Area Located in Gilpin County, part of the CSFS Northeast Area
Product Categories Firewood & Fuelwood, Furniture, Landscape Ties, Logs, Specialty Products, Wood Chips
Company Profile Elk Trails Ranch is a sole-proprietor business located in the dense forest land of the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Gilpin County.

The product offering includes fir, spruce, aspen firewood for pick-up or delivery in 6-inch/8-inch sections; cut blocks from 3 inches/6 inches ready-to-burn to 16-inch/22-inch ready-to-split and split wood; raw wood for furniture or crafts, including elk-gnawed aspen; 8-foot-/12-foot-long or large crosscut fir and spruce for tables and benches; rough-cut conifer or aspen for landscaping; novelty gift items; and one-of-a kind utility wood products for wall hanging or table.


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