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High Country Shavings LLC

Contact Michael Miniat
Address 1330 County Road 315
Parshall, CO 80468
Phone (970) 725-3282
Email [email protected]
County, Area Located in Grand County, part of the CSFS Northwest Area
Product Categories Animal Bedding, Wood Chips
Company Profile High Country Shavings, LLC is a private company which harvests only beetle-killed standing dead lodgepole pine trees to be milled into fine wood shavings for stall bedding and arena use for livestock, particularly horses. This excellent bedding material was developed by horsemen for horsemen. It provides superior absorbent capabilities because of very low moisture content, and is keeps its loft and softness which is appreciated by the horses using this bedding.

Trees are harvested on private land presently in Grand County in the Williams Fork Valley.

The purpose of this company was to create a business to help provide a solution to resolve, usefully and profitably,
the natural disaster of the beetle blight which continues to make its way through the Colorado lodgepole population.


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