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Morgan Timber Products

Contact Mark A. Morgan
Address 2532 County Road 54G
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Phone (970) 484-4065
Email [email protected]
County, Area Located in Larimer County, part of the CSFS Northeast Area
Product Categories Animal Bedding, Beams & Timbers, Blue Stain, Firewood & Fuelwood, Flooring & Paneling, Landscape Ties, Logs, Log Homes & House Logs, Lumber, Molding & Millwork, Posts Poles & Fencing, Shavings, Siding & Decking, Specialty Products, Timber Frame, Wood Chips, Wood Mulch
Company Profile Morgan Timber Products handles only sustainable, renewable locally produced products. The company's vertical integration starts in the woods with 38 years of experience in sustainable forestry management practices that allow for excellent utilization of materials.

Fence products include all standard and massive Western rail fence in two-, three- and four-rail versions, including all matching gates. Other roundwood fence products include corral poles (peeled and barkies) field posts, security fence and splits.

Sawn fence products start with privacy fence using full-dimension 1x6s, 2x4s, 4x4s and 6x6s. Pasture and corral fencing is easily accomplished with 2x6s or 2x8s in lengths from 8 to 16 feet. Lumber products include rough cut, pattern lumber, tongue-and-groove, log siding, beams and timbers.

Landscape materials include natural mulches, colored mulches, landscape chips and landscape timbers in a variety of lengths that are treated and incised. Also available are barn poles, building timbers, log accents, handrails and spindles, house logs, hitching posts, edged slabs, firewood, sawdust, beddings and shavings.

All wood products, including furniture parts and log home materials, have a generous amount of blue-stain scattered throughout.


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