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Sturdy Foundations LLC

Contact Angela Gregg
Address 11935 Hanging Valley Way
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
Phone (719) 960-6798
Email [email protected]
County, Area Located in El Paso County, part of the CSFS Southeast Area
Product Categories Beams & Timbers, Firewood & Fuelwood, Holiday Trees & Transplants, Logs, Log Homes & House Logs, Lumber, Shavings, Wood Chips, Wood Mulch
Company Profile Sturdy Foundations is dedicated to Colorado's agricultural forest land and private landowners for the purpose of using dead trees for the job titles listed above. We sell wood products to mills and public and wholesale prices. We also provide an an additional array of other landscaping and construction materials such ast DC granite and red & white granite boulders of various sizes. All products are from Colorado forest and private landowners in effort to boost Colorado's economy and help prevent against future forest fires. The timber will be sold cheaper than home improvement outlets due to of the Colorado Forest Products Program and dedicated, responsible landowners.


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