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The Mill

Contact Lisa Hara
Address 8178 Colorado 9
Kremmling, CO 80459
Phone (970) 761-8677
Email [email protected]
County, Area Located in Grand County, part of the CSFS Northwest Area
Product Categories Animal Bedding, Beams & Timbers, Blue Stain, Firewood & Fuelwood, Flooring & Paneling, Logs, Log Homes & House Logs, Lumber, Posts, Poles & Fencing, Shavings, Siding & Decking, Specialty Products
Company Profile The Mill operates as a circular sawmill, specializing in custom cuts from Colorado beetle-kill trees. It produces high-quality log and lumber products using local timber. The range of products includes rough-cut and rough-sawn lumber in various sizes such as 6x6, 6x8, and 8x8, along with mantels and beams. Additionally, we have fencing materials, bark-on rails (barkies), 16-foot fence rails, and bucks. Finishing services include tongue-and-groove (T&G) and shiplap. We have firewood, rounds and cut ends all year.


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