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United Wood Products Inc.

Contact Raul Bustamante
Address 7860 Diagonal Hwy.
Longmont, CO 80503
Phone (303) 652-2872
Email [email protected]
County, Area Located in Boulder County, part of the CSFS Northeast Area
Product Categories Animal Bedding, Firewood & Fuelwood, Specialty Products, Wood Chips
Company Profile Rough-sawn pine, aspen, slabwood; custom sawing and machining; specialty fencing; tongue-and-groove aspen and pine. Log-rail systems (unpeeled, machine-peeled and hand-peeled) made to fit.

Logs with bark, machine-peeled or hand-peeled; custom ripping, grooving and cutting of logs. Unpeeled, machine-peeled or hand-peeled posts, poles or rails. Western rail or tenon-joint fence, buck fence, log gates and hardware, firewood, mulch, animal bedding and wood chips.


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