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 By managing your forest, you can protect water quality, increase habitat diversity for wildlife and increase the growth rate of your trees.

Even Aged Lodgepole Regeneration
Forest Stewardship logo

Approximately 7 million acres of private forestland exist in Colorado. Like all natural resources, forests require proper management to be healthy and productive.

In addition, properly managed forests can provide income, reduce the risk of wildland fire, help protect trees against insects and diseases, and even increase the value of your property.

Learn more in Colorado’s Forest Stewardship Program Brochure (458 KB PDF)

Properly managed forests can provide income, reduce the risk of wildland fire, help protect trees against insects and diseases, and even increase the value of your property.

NASF Stewardship Handbook PrinciplesNASF Stewardship Principles

Because forests are living and everchanging, stewardship is always a work in progress; the sooner begun, the more regularly tended, the better the results. The first step is to lay the groundwork with sound principles.

National Association of State Foresters

NASF is a non-profit organization that represents the directors of forestry agencies from the fifty states, eight U.S. territories and associated states, and the District of Columbia.

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service