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Insects and diseases can pose serious threats to a forest’s health. Our foresters monitor insect and disease activity and trends, and respond to emerging threats to our communities’ forests.

Spruce Beetle Pitch Tubes

Common Insect & Disease Concerns

If your questions cannot be resolved with the information provided, please contact the La Veta Field Office.

Foresters are available for site visits to look at specific insect or disease concerns on your property.





Piñon Pine


The Annual Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests provides an overview of insect and disease conditions in all of the state’s forests.

Additionally, you can view current insect and disease activity in Colorado and the La Veta area by visiting our Insects & Diseases page.

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service