Piñon Ips Bark Beetle Treatment Tips
The piñon Ips beetle (Ips confusus) poses a serious threat to piñon pine trees. Learn how to identify and treat these beetles in your trees.
The piñon Ips beetle (Ips confusus) poses a serious threat to piñon pine trees. Learn how to identify and treat these beetles in your trees.
The annual forest health report details the current state of the health and condition of Colorado’s forests. Learn how the milder conditions in 2023 affected wildfire risk and forest pest activity.
It’s common for evergreen trees in Colorado to show some fading yellow or brown needles in October. Learn the difference between the natural shedding process and an insect infestation.
Foresters from the CSFS and the Bureau of Land Management collaborated on a plan to reduce wildfire risk for Waugh Mountain in northwestern Fremont County.
When insect outbreaks devastate an entire forest, a collaborative response helps reduce wildfire risk for residents in the wildland-urban interface
In June 2023, experts from Colorado State University confirmed the presence of emerald ash borer (EAB) in two new towns in Colorado: Carbondale and Littleton.
Urban and community forestry is about the relationship that we as people have with the natural world through trees where we live, work and play.
The annual forest health report, released today by the Colorado State Forest Service, details how ongoing warm temperatures and below-average precipitation create challenges for Colorado’s forests.
October is an ideal time for landowners to check pine trees, specifically lodgepole, ponderosa and limber, on their property for the presence of mountain pine beetle (MPB).
MCH pheromone packet technology gives Douglas-fir beetles a message to move on, helping protect Colorado forests.