After the Storm: CSFS Interns Assess Tree Damage in Small Colorado Community
An intense hailstorm in May 2024 damaged hundreds of trees in Yuma, Colorado. CSFS interns completed a storm damage inventory to help begin the process of recovery.
An intense hailstorm in May 2024 damaged hundreds of trees in Yuma, Colorado. CSFS interns completed a storm damage inventory to help begin the process of recovery.
The piñon Ips beetle (Ips confusus) poses a serious threat to piñon pine trees. Learn how to identify and treat these beetles in your trees.
It’s common for evergreen trees in Colorado to show some fading yellow or brown needles in October. Learn the difference between the natural shedding process and an insect infestation.
Learn how to prepare and plant container trees to help them grow and thrive.
March is an ideal time for landowners to check pine trees, specifically ponderosa, on their property for the presence of mountain pine beetle.
October is an ideal time for landowners to check pine trees, specifically lodgepole, ponderosa and limber, on their property for the presence of mountain pine beetle (MPB).
Colorado evergreens shed their older, interior needles as part of an annual growth cycle. Needles on the lower portions of the crown or closest to the trunk are most commonly shed, but trees stressed due to drought or root damage may shed more needles to keep the tree in balance with its root system.
Check out our 7 tips for dealing with snow-damaged trees after last weekend’s snowstorm that affected many areas of Colorado.
Despite snow falling in many regions of Colorado recently, most of the state is still experiencing drought conditions after an abnormally dry period at the end of last year, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center.
FORT COLLINS, Colo. – Recent wintry weather across parts of Colorado is a reminder that colder months are ahead and freezing temperatures can occur quickly in the fall.