FORT COLLINS, Colo. – This Saturday, communities across the state of Colorado will come together to prepare for the wildfire season and take actions to reduce their wildfire risk on 2015 National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day.
The Wildfire Preparedness Day, which this year falls on May 2, is organized by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) – an international nonprofit established in 1896 to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes, standards, research, training and education. These resources are utilized and adapted by many states, including Colorado.
The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) works together with NFPA to implement the Firewise Communities/USA® program in the state, and provides technical assistance and education to interested landowners, homeowners and communities to help them take action and ownership in preparing their homes against the threat of wildfire.
Examples of Colorado’s 2015 Wildfire Community Preparedness Day projects include chipping previously cut trees, distributing wildfire safety information to neighbors, learning techniques for safely burning slash piles and practicing evacuation drills. Residents of all ages are invited to join in their local events. Projects entered in the NFPA map can be found on the association’s website. Communities that haven’t already can add their Preparedness Day projects to the map to show others their commitment to reducing wildfire risk.
This year, NFPA and State Farm provided funding for 65 project funding awards of $500 to implement projects on May 2. Eight Colorado communities received those funds to help implement their events. The winners of the 2015 project funding awards are listed on the NFPA site.
For U.S. communities officially recognized through the Firewise Communities/USA® Program, participation on National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day can count toward their 2015 “Firewise Day” event. The CSFS will be assisting communities across the state with Preparedness Day projects.
For more information about National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day, visit