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vintage photo of logging trucks.

CSFS celebrates 70 years of forestry

On Feb. 14, 1955, the Colorado General Assembly established the modern Colorado State Forest Service. From 7 employees in 3 districts to 170 staff members today, CSFS plays a vital role in preserving and improving Colorado’s diverse forest environments.

screenshot of the Wildfire Risk Viewer application that contains a digital map of Colorado and a legend.

Surface and Canopy Fuels in the 2022 CO-WRA Update

The Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment (CO-WRA) is a statewide geospatial analysis designed to increase wildfire awareness, provide comprehensive data and information concerning wildfire risk and local fire history and educate users about wildfire risk reduction and hazard mitigation resources available from the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) and partner organizations. The 2022 CO-WRA update was released on July 17, 2023.

forest of tall coniferous trees.

Carbon in Colorado Forests

Gaining a better understanding of the complexities of carbon can help inform management strategies, identify priority areas, and promote climate mitigation and adaptation.

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service