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Defensible space in a Castle Rock community funded through the FRWRM grant program

Defensible space in a Castle Rock community funded through the FRWRM grant program

Forest Restoration & Wildfire Risk Mitigation Grant Program

Application window is now closed. 2024-2025 awards will be announced March 31, 2025.

The Colorado Legislature established the Forest Restoration & Wildfire Risk Mitigation (FRWRM) grant program in 2017. This program provides state support through competitive grant funds that encourage community-level actions across the state for some specific purposes:

  • Reduce the risk of wildfire to people, property and infrastructure in the wildland-urban interface (WUI)
  • Promote forest health and forest restoration projects
  • Encourage use of woody material for traditional forest products and biomass energy

2024-2025 Cycle Details

Legislation passed during the 2021 Colorado legislative session provided additional funding and an expanded scope for the Forest Restoration and Wildfire Risk Mitigation (FRWRM) Grant Program, administered by the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS). The FRWRM Grant Program was created during the 2017 legislative session when the Colorado General Assembly passed Senate Bill 17-050, which consolidated the Colorado Forest Restoration Grant Program (previously administered by the CSFS) and the Wildfire Risk Reduction Grant Program (previously administered by the Colorado Department of Natural Resources). This competitive cost-share grant program is designed to assist with funding community-level actions across the state to reduce the risk of wildfire to people, property, and infrastructure in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), while encouraging forest health and restoration projects and promoting the utilization of woody material for traditional forest products and biomass energy.

All proposals must benefit more than one individual and have a goal of reducing the risk of wildfire to people, property and infrastructure in the WUI and therefore projects must be located within, or within close proximity to, the WUI as defined in the Colorado Forest Atlas WUI Map Layer. For capacity-building projects, the primary proposed efforts that will occur from using grant funds must occur within or within close proximity to the WUI. The following individuals, organizations or entities may apply:

  • Local community groups such as homeowner, neighborhood or property associations;
  • Local government entities including counties, municipalities, fire protection districts and other special districts;
  • Public or private utilities, including water providers;
  • State agencies; and
  • Non-profit groups.

In addition, all applicants must:

  • Be able to function as the fiscal agent and have legal authority to administer and/or implement treatments on proposed project area(s);
  • Confirm that participating landowner(s) agree to reporting and monitoring requirements;
  • Comply with all applicable federal and state environmental laws;

Follow Colorado Forestry Best Management Practices (BMPs) during project implementation. Use of other BMP standards or guidelines must be reviewed and approved by the local CSFS Field Office.

Two types of projects are eligible for funding: 1) Fuels & Forest Health and 2) Capacity Building. Separate applications must be submitted for the two project types. Projects may be located on one or more ownership types. Projects that include federal lands must maintain continuity (within 1-mile) across a landscape including federal lands, and the total federal acres must be less than the combined total of non-federal acres. All grant funds must be used on lands within the state of Colorado.

Fuels & Forest Health Projects

Fuels & forest health projects must strategically reduce the potential risk for damage to property, infrastructure, water supplies and other high-valued assets as a result of wildfire and/or limit the probability of wildfires spreading into populated areas. Projects must promote forest health through scientifically based forestry practices that restore ecosystem functions, structures and species composition.

Fuels & Forest Health Projects must meet the following criteria:

Reduce Hazardous Fuels

Successful projects will facilitate and implement strategic fuels treatment at a meaningful scale in Colorado WUI areas at risk of wildfire. All projects should be designed to reduce the potential wildfire risk to property, infrastructure, water supplies and other high-value assets, and/or limit the probability of wildfires spreading into populated areas. Projects must include a plan to utilize saleable woody materials where applicable, as well as a plan to remove and dispose of slash and non-merchantable materials generated from project work. Successful applicants will consider all elements required to implement treatments on the ground, including acquiring necessary permits and consultations from forestry and/or wildfire experts.

Examples of qualifying project elements

  • Creation or maintenance of defensible space around homes and structures based on current CSFS defensible space guidelines
  • Creation or maintenance of fuelbreaks based on current CSFS fuelbreak guidelines
  • Fuels reduction by various appropriate methods, including mechanical thinning, prescribed fire and others, designed to protect water supplies and/or reduce potential fire intensity
  • Removal of saleable woody materials with specific utilization plans
  • Removal/disposal of slash and non-merchantable materials using methods such as chipping, mulching, grinding, pile burning, broadcast burning or mechanical removal

Promote Forest Health

Projects should incorporate forest restoration and management techniques, based on current science applicable to the forest type(s) being treated. Proposals should include existing ecological conditions and desired future conditions for project areas. Existing ecological conditions relevant to this grant program may include highly erodible soils on slopes that may affect water quality, over-stocked forests that increase wildfire risk, stands of unhealthy trees, reduced water yields, and low species and structural diversity. The desired future conditions should promote the healthy function, structure and composition of essential ecosystem components. Essential ecosystem components may include tree age and size class diversity, tree species diversity, desired forest cover and tree density in relation to water quality and quantity and wildfire risk, and water quality associated with soil erosion.

Examples of qualifying project elements

  • Reducing fuel loads and excessive competition among trees
  • Restoring ecosystem function, structure and species composition, including through the reduction of non-native and/or invasive species populations
  • Preserving older and larger trees to restore ecosystem function or for ecological value, based on scientific research
  • Replanting trees in deforested areas that have been negatively affected by wildfire, insects and disease, or other large-scale disturbance.

Capacity Building

Capacity building projects must increase community capacity by providing the community with the resources and staffing necessary to plan and implement forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation projects. Capacity grants will be limited to 25% of the total available grant funds.

Successful applicants will describe how funding will support capacity expansion to plan and implement forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation projects including community and partner outreach and engagement, identifying priority project areas, prescription planning and acquiring community equipment that will address unmet implementation needs at the local level. Capacity grant applications should clearly describe how the capacity building efforts will be sustained to promote implementation of treatments beyond the life of the initial project. Capacity building projects that include equipment purchases should address applicable training and safety measures for the use of equipment. The expectation is that equipment will be used and maintained by the awardee for a minimum of five years following the grant.

Examples of qualifying project elements

  • The purchase and use of equipment for implementation of hazardous fuels reduction treatments, including the removal and utilization of slash and/or other woody biomass (e.g., purchasing a wood chipper to be made available to communities)
  • Outreach efforts to plan forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation projects, including project prioritization and project prescription development
  • Increased staffing or related capacity building for collaborative and/or community groups that support planning and implementation of forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation projects

Examples of FRWRM project elements that DO NOT qualify

  • Capacity building for fire preparedness and suppression (e.g., the purchase of fire department equipment)
  • Education and outreach efforts that do not directly lead to fuels reduction
  • Construction of permanent infrastructure (e.g., of buildings or roads)
  • Local, state or federal policy development or advocacy
  • Projects undertaken by and benefitting only one individual
Utilize Forest Products/Woody Materials

Project applicants must include in their proposal a defined plan for removing and utilizing forest products/woody materials generated by the project, including as traditional forest products and/or biomass energy products. For further information on wood utilization, consult Colorado Wood Utilization and Marketing (CoWood). In addition to CoWood, CSFS field offices are available to offer technical expertise to applicants in the development of forest products/wood utilization plans. It is required that wood utilization businesses or companies are consulted throughout the development of project proposals to identify effective forest product utilization plans.

Strategic Proposals

Proposed projects must be strategic in nature to maximize the effectiveness of this grant program. Strategic proposals will include aspects such as the following:

  1. Implementation across land ownership boundaries
  2. Projects conducted within higher priority areas identified in the 2020 Colorado State Forest Action Plan* (Accessed in the Colorado Forest Atlas, Forest Action Plan 2020 or Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner applications with Composite Priority Map theme enabled).
  3. Project areas with previously completed Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) or FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plan. Consult the list of approved CWPPs.
  4. Projects that are part of a larger landscape-scale treatment effort
  5. Projects that include, or are in geographic proximity to, public lands that have been recently treated or are planned for treatment

*The 2020 Colorado State Forest Action Plan is required by the 2008 Farm Bill to help guide where the CSFS directs resources to best focus forest management efforts and achieve desired future conditions. It is available in the Colorado Forest Atlas. Applicants should launch the Forest Action Plan 2020 application or the Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner application to review the 2020 Colorado Forest Action Plan data and associated documentation. To access this application an account must be requested for the Colorado Forest Atlas. This account is free of charge and is usually approved within 24 hours of receiving the request.

County Level Coordination

Applicants must coordinate proposed projects with relevant county officials to ensure consistency with county-level wildfire risk reduction planning. The application should identify which officials were consulted and the outcome of those discussions. All grant applications must include a letter signed by a county official indicating support for the project. For purposes of this grant, permissible county officials include county commissioners, representatives from the sheriff’s office, county foresters or forestry staff, or county wildfire coordinators.

Preference will be given to applicants that include the following elements in their projects:

Leveraged Resources and Collaboration

Projects should substantially leverage additional financial resources when possible, and/or be identified through a community-based collaborative process such as a CWPP, Critical Community Watershed Wildfire Protection Plan, FEMA approved hazard mitigation plan, or similar.

Adoption of Local Measures to Reduce Wildfire Risk

Preference will be given to applicants that adopt local measures that reduce wildfire risks to people, property and infrastructure that complement funds provided through the program.

Examples of adoption of local measures

  • Existing CWPPs or similar plans (plans less than 5 years old receive greater preference)
  • Adoption of, or plans to adopt, county or local building codes for wildfire mitigation
  • Wildfire Mitigation Overlay Zoning
  • Participation in Firewise USA® program
  • Demonstrated ongoing citizen outreach and education about wildfire risk
  • Hazard mitigation planning
  • Forest management planning and implementation
  • Existing slash/mulch collection or chipping programs
Partnerships with Youth or Veterans’ Groups

Applicants are encouraged, where feasible, to use the labor of an accredited Colorado Youth Corps organization, operated by the Colorado Youth Corps Association (CYCA) or an accredited Colorado Corps program serving veterans. Consider contacting one of these groups directly to determine if your project is a good fit for their labor pool. If you have been in contact with a group and it is determined that your project is a good fit, please provide a letter of support from either the CYCA or other affiliated organization to confirm that you will be partnering with them during this project. Support letter is required to receive additional preference.  

Protection of Water Supplies

Projects including forest treatments that also result in the protection of water supplies will receive additional preference. This objective can be achieved by reducing the risk of wildfire to watersheds or to water treatment and/or storage facilities and through forest management practices including (but not limited to) thinning, selective harvest, clearcutting, chipping, mastication and planting trees in deforested areas.

The CSFS estimates that approximately $7.2 million is available for the 2024-2025 grant cycle. The CSFS reserves the right to award full or partial funding to successful applicants.

Budget requests must be clearly explained in the budget narrative section of the grant application. A description of specific outcomes generated by the proposed budget and methods for successfully expending resources within the proposed timeline will be required.

Note: Grant funds cannot be used for volunteer labor, homeowner labor, personnel coordination, or grant administration activities such as compiling paperwork; however, those activities are valuable and can be considered as match.

Matching Funds

Applicants must demonstrate an ability to match 50% of the total project cost (grant + match) or 25% of the total project cost if located in an area of fewer economic resources. Researchers at Colorado State University, Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics and the Rocky Mountain Research Station assisted the CSFS in defining and developing a social vulnerability index (SVI) to wildland fire in Colorado to identify areas of fewer economic resources in the state. Applicants can determine if proposed projects are located within an area of fewer economic resources by using the Colorado Forest Atlas web mapping applications. Detailed instructions are in the FRWRM Application.

Applications with a project area located partially or fully within an area of fewer economic resources, as defined by the SVI, will be eligible for a reduced match and required to demonstrate an ability to match the requested amount at a 3:1 grant to match ratio. Total project costs should be no more than 75% from the grant and at least 25% from match. All applications with projects not located in an area of fewer economic resources will be required to demonstrate an ability to match the requested amount on a dollar-for-dollar basis. Total project costs should be no more than 50% from the grant and at least 50% from match.

Matching contributions can be cash, in-kind contributions or a combination of cash and in-kind contributions, and they may be in the form of private, local government, state or federal support for the project. State funds may be used as match; however, no more than 50% of the applicant’s matching funds can come from another state funding source, unless the applicant is a state agency. In-kind contributions must be clearly quantified and justified in the budget narrative section of the grant application. In-kind contributions may consist of donated supplies, equipment or volunteer time/sweat equity (based on hourly value). Donated time should be accounted for using current volunteer labor rates ($34.36/hour per individual for 2024).


Any revenue or cost offsets generated by the project must be clearly explained in the budget section and be factored into the grant request. For example, if the treatment cost is $3,000 per acre but utilization will decrease the cost to $2,500 per acre, show the $500 per acre as revenue, request funding based on the $2,500 per acre, and explain the reasoning within the budget section.

Successful applicants will receive a pre-award letter and will then work with the CSFS to finalize approved project activities. Activities deemed to be unachievable may be modified or removed from the final award. Pre-award applicants will provide electronic map boundaries of project areas (i.e., shapefile), work with the CSFS to obtain any required licenses for CSFS to enter private lands and allow the CSFS to conduct pre-monitoring site visits prior to beginning project work, if necessary. Successful applicants will be reimbursed for actual (cash) costs incurred in implementing the project only after:

  1. CSFS has inspected project area(s) and confirmed that activities outlined in approved award packet have been completed
  2. Required reporting and reimbursement paperwork and documentation has been accurately completed and submitted
  3. Documentation that project funds have been matched at the approved minimum ratio has been submitted.

New! Grant recipients will be required to submit spatial map data (e.g., shapefiles) with each reimbursement request, indicating the completed project work. A final report, using the CSFS-provided template, will be required at the completion of the project. Final award packets will include details on reporting requirements.

Agreement for CSFS Monitoring

While there is significant science supporting the value of fuels and forest health treatments for reducing wildfire risk and promoting forest resilience, forest ecosystems are dynamic, and new fuels and forest health treatments continue to be developed. The effects of current and novel forestry activities need to be evaluated, and the best method for achieving this is through monitoring on-the-ground efforts. CSFS-led long-term monitoring is an important component of this grant program and will demonstrate the relative efficacy of various treatments as well as the utility of grant resources. The CSFS will work with successful project applicants to conduct project monitoring and certification site visits to assess effectiveness and completion of projects. Successful project applicants will authorize the CSFS access to the project site for two years post-treatment to monitor the effectiveness of hazardous fuels reduction and forest health treatments.

Successful applicants will be asked to share their grant award(s) through a local press release. Press release templates and program talking points will be made available by the CSFS for applicants to use.

The 2024-2025 application period closed Oct. 10, 2024. 

Request for applications (RFA) release – August 1, 2024
Application deadline – October 10, 2024, 5:00 pm MDT
Anticipated pre-award date – February 5, 2025
Final award/project start date – March 31, 2025
Project completion deadline – March 31, 2029

Applications will be independently scored by a Technical Advisory Panel convened by the CSFS. The valuation/scoring criteria used to score fuels reduction and forest health projects and capacity building applications are attached at the end of the respective applications. The Technical Advisory Panel, as mandated through SB 17-050, will recommend to the CSFS State Forester which proposed projects should be funded, and all final funding decisions will be made by the State Forester.

2023-2024 Forest Restoration & Wildfire Risk Mitigation Funded Projects

Forest Restoration & Wildfire Risk Mitigation funds helped launch 31 projects last year to reduce the risk of wildfire, promote forest health and forest restoration, and encourage the use of woody material. The CSFS awarded $7.2 million this funding round, with $5.8 million dedicated to fuels reduction projects and $1.4 million put toward capacity-building efforts.

ApplicantProject NameCounty
Broadmoor Resort Community HOABroadmoor Resort Community Wildfire Mitigation PlanEl Paso
City of Fort CollinsMichigan Ditch Pre-Fire MitigationLarimer/Jackson
Clear Creek Fire AuthorityClear Creek Community Chipping ProgramClear Creek
Coalition for the Poudre River WatershedNorth Rim Road Wildfire Mitigation 2023Larimer
Coalition for the Upper South PlatteCatamount Region Forest HealthPark
Coalition for the Upper South PlatteCUSP ChipperPark
Colorado FirecampFirecamp Community ForestryChaffee
Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD)Blodgett Fuels ReductionEl Paso
Colorado Springs Fire Department Wildfire Mitigation SectionCSFD Wildfire Mitigation MasticatorEl Paso
Colorado State Land BoardPine Creek Forest HealthChaffee
Douglas County Open Space and Natural ResourcesSandstone Ranch Forest RestorationDouglas
Eagle Valley Wildland (Eagle River Fire Protection District)Eagle Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project AddendumEagle
Falls Creek Ranch Association, Inc.Falls Creek Healthy Forest RestorationLa Plata
Falls Creek Ranch Association, Inc.Falls Creek Fire Mitigation TractorLa Plata
Genesee Fire Rescue Genesee Fire Protection District Strategic Fuels ReductionJefferson
Genesee Fire RescueGenesee FPD ChipperJefferson
Jefferson Conservation DistrictLone Rock Phase 2Park
La Plata CountyDurango Area Fuel Reduction Plan Development La Plata
Lake Agnes Property Owners Association (LAPOA)Lake Agnes Fuel Break and Access Road Fuel Reduction ProjectGrand
Larimer Conservation DistrictDiamond Creek Forest RestorationLarimer
Larimer Conservation DistrictElk Park Forest RestorationLarimer
Larimer County Department of Natural ResourcesHermit Park Open Space - Estes Valley Forest Health ProjectLarimer
Lee DriscollCastle View Forest Restoration ProjectDenver
Lefthand FPDUpper Ceran St. Vrain Watershed 2023Boulder
Mancos Conservation DistrictUpper Dolores & Mancos Watershed CapacityMontezuma
Norrie ColonyNorrie Fire Break and Fuel Reduction ProjectPitkin
North Routt Fire Protection DistrictNoRoCo Fire MitigationRoutt
Roaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative (RFVWC)Roaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative (RFVWC)Garfield, Eagle, Pitkin
Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection (SPAWP)SPAWP 2023-2024 FRWRM GrantHuerfano
The Sanctuary HOA/Central Park Management The Sanctuary Mitigation ProjectRoutt
Woodmoor Mountain Homeowners AssociationWoodmoor Mountain Mitigation Project 2.0Douglas

Frequently Asked Questions

The Colorado State Forest Service has approximately $7,200,000 to award in this next round of funding. There are no minimum or maximum amounts for each award.

The following individuals, organizations or entities may apply:

  • Local community groups, including registered homeowner associations and formal neighborhood associations, that are located within or are in close proximity to the WUI
  • Local government entities including counties, municipalities, fire protection districts and other special districts in or within close proximity to the WUI
  • Public or private utilities, including water providers, with infrastructure or land ownership in areas with high risk of catastrophic wildfires
  • State agencies, such as the State Land Board and Colorado Parks and Wildlife, that own land in areas with high risk of catastrophic wildfires
  • Non-profit groups that promote hazardous forest fuel reduction treatment projects or are engaged in firefighting or fire management activities
NOTE: Projects that benefit only one individual do NOT qualify.

More information will be provided in the formal Request for Applications. Previous projects awards have provided funding for capacity and fuels and forest health treatments. It’s important to note that funds can be used for forest restoration, but funds cannot be used for post-fire rehabilitation activities.

Application period is Aug. 1 – Oct. 10, 2024.

Awards will be made by March 31, 2025.

Interested applicants should contact their local CSFS Field Office.

Legislation during the 2021 Colorado legislative session provided additional funding and an expanded scope for the program. Applications and requirements have changed from previous years, so we encourage applicants to thoroughly review documents and contact their local Colorado State Forest Service field office with questions.

FRWRM and the Colorado Resiliency Framework

The Colorado Resiliency Framework outlines the State’s resiliency vision and goals, and it explores risks and vulnerabilities across multiple themes, while providing strategies that can be used to reduce risk and vulnerabilities and be adaptive to changing environmental, social and economic conditions. The FRWRM grant program encourages applicants to integrate each of the nine Resiliency Prioritization Criteria into their project proposals. 

  1. Co-Benefits: Provide solutions that address problems across multiple sectors to create maximum benefit.
  • CommunityBuild community capabilities and resources that coordinate and integrate resiliency, equity, and disaster recovery planning efforts and facilitate social connectivity and empowerment, especially focusing on marginalized populations: The FRWRM application requires applicants to address how their project goals align with the Colorado State Forest Action Plan AND specific CWPP (or similar plan) goals and objectives. It also requires applicants to discuss any local measures that the community has adopted to reduce wildfire risk to people, property and infrastructure and the coordination that will occur with local partners and supporters. The FRWRM grant program requires applicants to coordinate proposed projects with relevant county officials to ensure consistency with county-level wildfire risk reduction planning and must submit a letter of support from a county official. Additional points are given to applicants who show additional leverage of resources and collaboration, partnerships with youth and/or Veterans Groups, and the protection of water supplies.
  • EconomicAddress Colorado’s toughest challenges through regionally diverse, coordinated education and capacity-building that generates a skilled workforce and overall innovation economy that is adaptive and agile: The FRWRM grant program awards up to 25% of total available grant funds to projects that increase community capacity by providing the community with the resources and staffing necessary to plan and implement forest restoration and wildfire risk mitigation projects.
  • Health and Social Dismantle structural inequities and integrate efforts across health and social service networks to empower communities, expand access, and improve health outcomes and wellness for all Colorado residents: The FRWRM grant program uses a Wildland Fire Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) that identifies areas of fewer economic resources in the state. Proposed projects that are located in an area of fewer economic resources are given the option to provide the required match at a reduced rate of 25% of the total project cost. Additional preference is also given to projects that include the protect water supplies.
  • HousingImplement a collaborative strategy to create sustainable affordable housing solutions that address the needs of the whole community while preparing for and responding to changing environmental, social, and economic conditions: One of the primary purposes of The FRWRM grant program is to reduce wildfire risk to people, property, and infrastructure in the wildland urban interface (WUI). FRWRM requires all funded projects to be located in or near the WUI so that funding will go toward protecting those resources.
  • InfrastructureImprove the resiliency and sustainability of infrastructure in Colorado by prioritizing resilience and integrating social equity, investment, planning, mitigation and recovery efforts across jurisdictions: One of the primary purposes of The FRWRM grant program is to reduce wildfire risk to people, property, and infrastructure in the wildland urban interface (WUI). Applicants are scored on the how the project reduces hazardous fuels and/or improves forest conditions and how these efforts will positively impact the community(s) surrounding the mitigation work.
  • Watersheds and Natural ResourcesProtect, enhance, and restore Colorado’s watersheds and natural resources, consistent with scientific understanding, community priorities, and environmental laws: The FRWRM grant program promotes forest health and encourages forest restoration projects. Applicants must describe how their proposed project will include forest health and restoration components, and how the treatment prescription is scientifically supported. Additional preference is also given to projects that include the protect water supplies.
  1. InnovationAdvance creative approaches and techniques that provide new solutions and encourage continual improvement and advancement of best practices – serving as models for others in Colorado and beyond: Although the FRWRM application process does not encourage innovation, the program has a CSFS-led long-term monitoring program that follows an adaptive management cycle, or an iterative process wherein CSFS assesses current and future conditions, plans and implements various forest management actions, then monitors over time to assess treatment effectiveness, which then informs subsequent planning with lessons learned, suggesting potential changes to management actions that may have both greater success and consider a broader range of management goals.
  2. High Risk and Vulnerability – Ensure that strategies identify risk and vulnerability, and directly address the reduction of risk to human well-being, physical infrastructure, and natural systems. Strategies should consider impact to those who most experience marginalizing: One of the primary purposes of The FRWRM grant program is to reduce wildfire risk to people, property, and infrastructure in the wildland urban interface (WUI). Applicants are required to describe the project area and current conditions, including the values and structures at risk. The Composite Priority Theme Map that applicants are required to include, prioritizes areas that address combined Themes of Forest Conditions, Living with Wildfire and Watershed Protection. The Forest Conditions Theme Priority Map evaluates threats such as insect and disease disturbance, canopy fire and land use conversion. The Living with Wildfire Theme Priority Map evaluates wildfire risk including the wildland urban interface, drinking water assets, forest and riparian assets combined with burn probabilities. The Watershed Protection Theme Priority Map evaluates improving and maintaining quality of water and infrastructure by looking at infrastructure and predicted post-fire erosion rates. The SVI that FRWRM uses to identify areas of fewer economic resources allows applicants located in those area to provide the required match at a reduced rate of 25% of the total project cost.
  3. Adaptive Capacity – Include flexible and adaptable measures that consider future unknowns of changing climate, and economic and social conditions: The program has a CSFS-led long-term monitoring program that follows an adaptive management cycle, or an iterative process wherein CSFS assesses current and future conditions, plans and implements various forest management actions, then monitors over time to assess treatment effectiveness, which then informs subsequent planning with lessons learned, suggesting potential changes to management actions that may have both greater success and consider a broader range of management goals.
  4. Economic Benefit-Cost – Make financial investments that can sustain changes and have the potential for economic benefits to the investor and the broader community – through both direct and indirect returns: Not Applicable
  5. Harmonize with Existing Activity – Expand, enhance, or leverage work being done to build on existing efforts. Engage relevant stakeholders to maximize these efforts and reduce potential conflicts: The FRWRM grant program encourages projects to be strategic in nature such as those that are near other planned or previously treated forest areas, will be implemented across land-ownership boundaries, are within a priority area identified in a completed Community Wildfire Protection Plan or FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plan, benefit the respective community or residents, or will serve as a catalyst for future forest management projects. FRWRM also encourages coordination with local partners and accredited Colorado Youth Conservation or Veteran Corps organizations.
  6. Social Equity: – Provide solutions that are inclusive, with consideration to populations that are often most impacted by disruptions. Address inequities, remove barriers, and benefit populations by providing access or meeting functional needs. Equitably distribute economic benefits: The FRWRM grant program uses a Wildland Fire Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) that identifies areas of fewer economic resources in the state. Proposed projects that are located in an area of fewer economic resources are given the option to provide the required match at a reduced rate of 25% of the total project cost.
  7. Long-Term and Lasting Impact – Create long-term gains to the community with solutions that are replicable and sustainable, creating benefits for present and future generations: FRWRM requires projects to include a plan to be sustained over time and include long-term plans to monitor and maintain the improved landscape conditions achieved through implementation of the project. The proposals must also describe the benefits the project will have to the respective community or residents and how the proposed project will serve as a catalyst for future forest management projects.
  8. Technical Soundness – Identify solutions that reflect best practices that have been tested and proven to work in similar regional context. Identify measurable indicators to assess performance and success: FRWRM requires that project prescriptions comply with Colorado Forestry Best Management Practices and that the scientific foundations should be substantiated by a reliable and professional resource with proper interpretation and recognized as appropriate to the local conditions found on the project site. The program has a CSFS-led long-term monitoring program that follows an adaptive management cycle, or an iterative process wherein CSFS assesses current and future conditions, plans and implements various forest management actions, then monitors over time to assess treatment effectiveness, which then informs subsequent planning with lessons learned, suggesting potential changes to management actions that may have both greater success and consider a broader range of management goals.

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service