Wildfire Mitigation Outreach Grant Program

Grant application period closed Feb. 29, 2024.
The Colorado General Assembly established the Wildfire Mitigation Outreach Grant Program in 2022. This program provides state support to conduct outreach among landowners in high wildfire hazard areas. To be eligible, a recipient must be an agency of local government, a county, municipality, special district, a Tribal agency or program, or a nonprofit organization.
2024 Wildfire Mitigation Outreach Funded Projects
Applicant | Project Name | County | Award Amount | |
City of Boulder | Home Ignition Zone Instructional Videos | Boulder | $ 20,600.00 | |
City of Castle Pines | Castle Pines Engagement Workshops and Videos | Douglas | $ 36,800.00 | |
Colorado Nonprofit Development Center dba Friends of Coal Creek | Fire-wise Gardening Pilot Program - Friends of Coal Creek | Boulder | $ 8,140.00 | |
Custer County | Wildfire Ready Homeowner Association and Ambassador Outreach | Custer | $ 16,889.12 | |
Delta County | 2024-2025 Delta County CWPP Update Public Outreach | Delta | $ 27,000.00 | |
Evergreen Rotary Foundation | Rotary Wildfire Ready Outreach | Boulder, Clear Creek, Jefferson, Park | $ 19,329.88 | |
Friends of Willow Springs Open Space Inc. | Wildfire Mitigation Outreach 2024 | Jefferson | $ 21,670.00 | |
Grand County Wildfire Council | Increase Community Engagement to Increase Acres Mitigated | Grand | $ 8,660.00 | |
Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District | Poudre Canyon Wildfire Community Alliance | Larimer | $ 69,000.00 | |
Roaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative | 2024 Summer Wildfire Education Series | Garfield, Pitkin, Eagle, Gunnison | $ 24,142.00 | |
Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection (SPAWP) | SPAWP Neighborhood Wildfire Outreach 2024 | Costilla, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, Teller, Las Animas, Pueblo | $ 30,169.00 | |
Wildfire Adapted Partnership | Wildfire Risk Education and Outreach in SW CO | Archuleta, Dolores, La Plata, Montezuma, San Juan | $ 17,600.00 |
Frequently Asked Questions
The Colorado State Forest Service had $300,000 to award through the program in 2024.
Nonprofit organizations and local government entities including, but not limited to, municipalities, counties, cities, special districts, or Tribal agencies or programs are eligible to apply for grant funding. In addition, all applicants must be able to function as the fiscal agent or have a designated fiscal agent, and nonprofits must be registered and in good standing with the Secretary of State’s Office.
Qualifying projects will consist of outreach efforts targeted primarily at residents located in high wildfire hazard areas, as defined by the Colorado Forest Atlas. Projects may include efforts related to the development and implementation of outreach and/or educational programs, events, materials or other relevant activities, with a primary goal of educating residents located in high wildfire hazard areas on wildfire mitigation. All outreach messages and materials generated using grant funds that provide guidance for wildfire mitigation to homeowners must align with the guidance in the CSFS Home Ignition Zone guide.
Applicants are encouraged to use the State’s Live Wildfire Ready (LWR) campaign resources that are targeted to help Colorado residents, especially those who live in the wildland-urban interface, understand their wildfire risk and what they can do to mitigate that risk to their life, home and property. As part of the qualifying project and upon request, CSFS staff may be available to customize specific items (e.g., banners, handouts, social media graphics) in the Live Wildfire Ready Partner Toolkit to reflect local needs. If awardees create their own materials, they are encouraged to acknowledge the State of Colorado’s support and promote the LWR campaign through the funded project(s). Examples of this include placing the LWR logo at the end of a video, or on printed or digital materials like flyers and social media graphics; verbally acknowledging the support of the State and the LWR campaign at events; etc.).
Examples of allowable project components include outreach and engagement events; printed or digital materials such as flyers, guides and social media graphics; educational videos and apps, etc.
To determine a project area’s wildfire hazard risk, the applicant should consult the Wildfire Risk Reduction Planner web mapping application within the Colorado Forest Atlas. To access this application, an account must be requested for the Colorado Forest Atlas. This account is free of charge and is usually approved within 24 hours of receiving the request. The Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Risk layer will need to be enabled to identify high wildfire hazard areas in Colorado.
The application period closed on Feb. 29, 2024. The Colorado State Forest Service does not have additional funding for this grant program, so no new application period is planned.