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Live Wildfire Ready

Prepare your home for wildfire

Prepare Your Home for Wildfire

Our homes are the places most important to us. They connect us to our loved ones, neighborhoods, communities and entire personal histories. Yet a place that holds a lifetime of memories can be gone in seconds. Wildfire is a part of nature in Colorado, so take action to prepare your home and property for wildfire and start living wildfire ready.

Our homes are the places most important to us. They connect us to our loved ones, neighborhoods, communities and entire personal histories. Yet a place that holds a lifetime of memories can be gone in seconds. Wildfire is a part of nature in Colorado, so take action to prepare your home and property for wildfire and start living wildfire ready.

Just under half of all Coloradans live in the wildland-urban interface and are at risk from wildfires.

Just under half of all Coloradans live in the wildland-urban interface and are at risk from wildfires.

Know Your Wildfire Risk

Grasses, shrubs and trees provide fuel for wildfires. If your home is located in or near the natural vegetation of Colorado’s grasslands, shrublands, foothills or mountains, you live in the wildland-urban interface and are at risk from a wildfire.

Start Living Wildfire Ready

You can do this! Preparing your home for wildfire can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Start with these simple, practical, low-cost actions.

By taking these actions, you will reduce the chances your home ignites during a wildfire and start to create a defensible space around your home.

Defensible space around the home

Be ready before a wildfire

Living wildfire ready also means being prepared during a wildfire. Take these actions to be sure you are ready when the inevitable occurs.

The Live Wildfire Ready campaign provides wildfire mitigation information to Colorado citizens.

Take it to the next level

The more you do to prepare and plan ahead, the more likely you, your family and your home will survive a wildfire.

Learn more actions you can take to reduce your wildfire risk from the Colorado State Forest Service, or consult a local fire department, office of emergency management or organization trained in wildfire mitigation practices where you live.

A local wildfire mitigation professional can provide a risk assessment specific to your home and property, help you connect with neighbors to create a fire-adapted community and provide access to local resources and funding opportunities.

Resources are continually being updated. If your county is not listed, consult your local fire department, office of emergency management or organization trained in wildfire mitigation practices where you live.

ArchuletaArchuleta County Sheriff-Office of Emergency Management
ArchuletaLos Pinos Fire Protection District
ArchuletaWildfire Adapted Partnership
BoulderBoulder Fire-Rescue
BoulderTimberline Fire Protection District
BoulderWildfire Partners
ChaffeeEnvision Chaffee County
CostillaSpanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection
CusterRye Fire Protection District
CusterSpanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection
CusterWet Mountain Fire Protection District
DeltaHotchkiss Fire District
DeltaWest Region Wildfire Council
DoloresWildfire Adapted Partnership
DouglasConifer Wildland Division
DouglasDouglas County Wildfire Mitigation
DouglasWest Metro Fire Rescue
EagleEagle County Public Information Officers
EagleRoaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative
FremontFremont County Emergency Management
GarfieldRoaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative
GilpinTimberline Fire Protection District
GrandGrand County Wildfire Council
GunnisonWest Region Wildfire Council
HinsdaleHinsdale County Sheriff’s Office
HinsdaleWest Region Wildfire Council
HuerfanoHuerfano County Emergency Management
HuerfanoRye Fire Protection District
HuerfanoSpanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection
JeffersonArvada Fire Protection District
JeffersonConifer Wildland Division
JeffersonRotary Wildfire Ready
JeffersonTimberline Fire Protection District
JeffersonWest Metro Fire Rescue
La PlataLa Plata County Wildfire Resource Center
La PlataLos Pinos Fire Protection District
La PlataWildfire Adapted Partnership
LarimerEstes Valley Watershed Coalition
LarimerPoudre Fire Authority
Las AnimasSpanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection
MesaTwo Rivers Wildfire Coalition
MontezumaCortez Fire Protection District
MontezumaWildfire Adapted Partnership
MontroseWest Region Wildfire Council
OurayOuray County Emergency Management
OurayWest Region Wildfire Council
ParkConifer Wildland Division
ParkFire Adapted Bailey
PitkinRoaring Fork Valley Wildfire Collaborative
PuebloBeulah Fire Protection and Ambulance District
PuebloRye Fire Protection District
PuebloWest Park Fire Department
PuebloSpanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection
Rio GrandeSouth Fork Fire Rescue
RouttRoutt County Wildfire Mitigation Council
SaguacheSaguache County Firewise Program
San JuanWildfire Adapted Partnership
San MiguelWest Region Wildfire Council
Southern Ute ReservationArchuleta County Sheriff-Office of Emergency Management
SummitSummit County Wildfire Council
TellerSpanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection

It is ultimately your responsibility to protect your home and property from wildfire. But wouldn't you do anything to protect your everything?

It is ultimately your responsibility to protect your home and property from wildfire. But wouldn't you do anything to protect your everything?

Live Wildfire Ready Colorado is generously funded by the State of Colorado and brought to you by:
Colorado State Forest Service
Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control
U.S. Forest Service
Colorado State Fire Chiefs

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service