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Colorado State Forest Service News

Aaron Kimple with Mountain Studies Institute Awarded Partner of the Year

DURANGO, Colo.  – The Colorado State Forest Service has recognized Aaron Kimple with its Partner of the Year award for 2019.

Aaron Kimple
Aaron Kimple, CSFS Partner of the Year

Kimple is the Forest Health Program Director and San Juan Headwaters Program Coordinator for the Mountain Studies Institute (MSI), based in Silverton, Colo., and the Coordinator of the Two Watersheds-Three Rivers-Two States (2-3-2) Collaborative.

He also serves on the Colorado Forest Health Advisory Committee.

The CSFS recognized Kimple as its Partner of the Year for his exceptional assistance in fostering healthy forests in Colorado through communications, outreach and support of the CSFS’s goals, strategic priorities and mission.

His work with MSI contributes to stewardship of diverse forest environments in the state, and his service on the Forest Health Advisory Committee advises the CSFS and its many partners on managing Colorado’s forests for present and future generations.

“Aaron is a forest facilitator. He convenes partners together to move joint projects forward,” said Mark Loveall, supervisory forester for the CSFS based in Durango. “He is an excellent organizer and leader of meetings to ensure all parties get something out of them.”

Forest health awareness in the San Luis Valley

For example, Kimple helped to bring awareness of forest health to the San Luis Valley by organizing two Bridging the Divide education events at Wolf Creek Ski Resort.

The award was presented at the CSFS’s Annual Meeting last month in Estes Park, Colo.

“This award reflects the quality of the partners I get to interact with every day,” mentioned Kimple upon receiving the award, “and demonstrates the great culture of partnering that has been cultivated in southwest Colorado. We should celebrate the people that commit to participating in collaborative efforts, offering time and energy to support our communities. Without them this would be a lonely business.”

For more information about Kimple’s work with the CSFS, please contact Loveall at (970) 247-5250 or [email protected].

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