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Pallets & Crates

Colorado Forest Products™ Database

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  • Use the search box below and type in a keyword, for example “logs” or “Fairplay”
  • Click on a company name or row in the table below and a page will display with details, contact information and a location map
Company Website Contact Info Products Description Categories
Aspen Wall Wood Inc. 31405 Road S.
Dolores, CO
(970) 882-7366
Animal Bedding
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Pallets & Crates
Wood Chips
Tongue-and-groove aspen paneling, with lengths from 6 to 12 feet. Pallet lumber, scrap firewood, chips for animal bedding, and round, end-of-log firewood. cat1ab cat9fw cat10fp cat18pall cat25wood
Catlett Log Homes 501 E. 27th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
(605) 321-6181
Blue Stain
Log Homes & House Logs
Pallets & Crates
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Handcrafted log homes, log accents, slab siding, chinking/staining and manufactured log home assembly. cat4bs cat14log cat18pall cat22sid cat23spec
Jackson Timber LLC Edwards, CO Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Pallets & Crates
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Wood Chips
Firewood, post & poles, corral poles and fence posts, house logs, saw logs, furniture and biomass, including beetle-kill logs, sawdust, chip, landscape materials and milled log home packages. cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat11furn cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat18pall cat20post cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb cat25wood
KC Wood Products LLC 1235 County Road 1
Cripple Creek CO 80813
(719) 337-3226
Firewood & Fuelwood
Pallets & Crates
Specialty Products
KC Wood Products LLC helps people mitigate their property, clean up burnt and beetle-kill trees, and then recycles that product into natural fuel such as firewood and, if millable, we take it to the lumber mills and pallet companies. KC Wood Products LLC is a Colorado company and believes in utilizing these resources. We strive for complete customer satisfaction while protecting the environment. cat9fw cat16lum cat18pall cat23spec
Rockbottom Logging & Milling LLC 925 North Maple
Florence, Colorado 81226
(719) 821-1097
Beams & Timbers
Pallets & Crates
Posts Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
We strive to provide a quality product at an affordable price. We sell firewood year-round, mill lumber and build privacy fences. cat3bt cat16lum cat18pall cat20post cat25wood
Rocky Mountain Timber Products Inc. 11355 County Road 15
Del Norte, CO 81132
(719) 657-2846
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Pallets & Crates
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Rough-sawn lumber and boards; logs, house logs and vigas; paneling/siding; flooring/decking; timbers; landscape timbers; bark; shavings; sawdust; wood chips; firewood; and pallet lumber. cat3bt cat4bs cat9fw cat10fp cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat18pall cat21shav cat22sid cat23spec cat25wood
Studs Lumber Company 29660 U.S. 160 East
Durango, CO 81303

(970) 764-7777

Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Exterior Buildings
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Molding & Millwork
Pallets & Crates
Posts Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Studs Lumber Co. was started with local forest products in mind. For many years, Colorado’s forest products industry has been in a state of decline and stagnation, however the growth potential is huge! With millions of acres of standing timber and an historic workforce filled with people that know how to mine that potential, Studs Lumber Co. is now here to provide an outlet for Colorado’s vast renewable resources and the skillset of our natural resource professionals.

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cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat8ext cat10fp cat13land cat16lum cat17mold cat18pall cat19pell cat20post cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb
Teton West Lumber Inc. 1211 W. 27th St.
Cheyenne, WY
(307) 778-5013
Blue Stain
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Pallets & Crates
Boards and dimension lumber from spruce, pine and aspen. Blue-stain pattern, landscape timbers, rig mat materials, cut stock, log home materials and pallet stock. cat4bs cat13land cat14log cat16lum cat18pall

Company URL Products Description Categories
Aspen Wall Wood Inc.
31405 Road S.
Dolores, CO
(970) 882-7366 Animal Bedding
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Pallets & Crates
Wood Chips
Tongue-and-groove aspen paneling, with lengths from 6 to 12 feet. Pallet lumber, scrap firewood, chips for animal bedding, and round, end-of-log firewood. cat1ab cat9fw cat10fp cat18pall cat25wood
Catlett Log Homes
501 E. 27th St.
Greeley, CO 80631
(605) 321-6181 Blue Stain
Log Homes & House Logs
Pallets & Crates
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Handcrafted log homes, log accents, slab siding, chinking/staining and manufactured log home assembly. cat4bs cat14log cat18pall cat22sid cat23spec
Jackson Timber LLC
Edwards, CO Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Pallets & Crates
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Wood Chips
Firewood, post & poles, corral poles and fence posts, house logs, saw logs, furniture and biomass, including beetle-kill logs, sawdust, chip, landscape materials and milled log home packages. cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat11furn cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat18pall cat20post cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb cat25wood
KC Wood Products LLC
1235 County Road 1
Cripple Creek CO 80813
(719) 337-3226 Firewood & Fuelwood
Pallets & Crates
Specialty Products
KC Wood Products LLC helps people mitigate their property, clean up burnt and beetle-kill trees, and then recycles that product into natural fuel such as firewood and, if millable, we take it to the lumber mills and pallet companies. KC Wood Products LLC is a Colorado company and believes in utilizing these resources. We strive for complete customer satisfaction while protecting the environment. cat9fw cat16lum cat18pall cat23spec
Rockbottom Logging & Milling LLC
925 North Maple
Florence, Colorado 81226
(719) 821-1097 Beams & Timbers
Pallets & Crates
Posts Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
We strive to provide a quality product at an affordable price. We sell firewood year-round, mill lumber and build privacy fences. cat3bt cat16lum cat18pall cat20post cat25wood
Rocky Mountain Timber Products Inc.
11355 County Road 15
Del Norte, CO 81132
(719) 657-2846 Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Pallets & Crates
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Rough-sawn lumber and boards; logs, house logs and vigas; paneling/siding; flooring/decking; timbers; landscape timbers; bark; shavings; sawdust; wood chips; firewood; and pallet lumber. cat3bt cat4bs cat9fw cat10fp cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat18pall cat21shav cat22sid cat23spec cat25wood
Studs Lumber Company
29660 U.S. 160 East
Durango, CO 81303

(970) 764-7777 Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Exterior Buildings
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Molding & Millwork
Pallets & Crates
Posts Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Studs Lumber Co. was started with local forest products in mind. For many years, Colorado’s forest products industry has been in a state of decline and stagnation, however the growth potential is huge! With millions of acres of standing timber and an historic workforce filled with people that know how to mine that potential, Studs Lumber Co. is now here to provide an outlet for Colorado’s vast renewable resources and the skillset of our natural resource professionals. cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat8ext cat10fp cat13land cat16lum cat17mold cat18pall cat19pell cat20post cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb
Teton West Lumber Inc.
1211 W. 27th St.
Cheyenne, WY
(307) 778-5013 Blue Stain
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Pallets & Crates
Boards and dimension lumber from spruce, pine and aspen. Blue-stain pattern, landscape timbers, rig mat materials, cut stock, log home materials and pallet stock. cat4bs cat13land cat14log cat16lum cat18pall

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Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service