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Colorado Forest Products™ Database

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  • Click on the Name column header below to sort companies by Name in ascending or descending order
  • Use the search box below and type in a keyword, for example “logs” or “Fairplay”
  • Click on a company name or row in the table below and a page will display with details, contact information and a location map
Company Website Contact Info Products Description Categories
A1 Organics 16350 County Road 76
Eaton, CO 80615
(970) 454-3492
Wood Mulch
Bulk and wholesale amounts of various types of compost, soil products and prepared wood-mulch products. cat6cmpst cat26mul
AMS Consolidated Timber Products 0286 County Road 236
Silt, CO
(970) 274-3907
Animal Bedding
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
With over five generations of experience and 35 years in business, our family owned business has grown to meet some of the industry’s highest expectations. We manufacture over 30 different styles of machined house logs primarily out of beetle-kill pine and spruce timber from Colorado forests.

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cat1ab cat3bt cat4bs cat6cmpst cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat19pell cat20post cat21shav cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb cat25wood cat26mul
Bowers Forestry 235 N. Uncompagre Ave.
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 549 6935
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
We have 15 years of forest management and wildlife habitat enhancement and produce an excellent utilization of small-diameter forest products. cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat6cmpst cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat11furn cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat20post cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb
Colorado Wood Company Inc. 688 12th St.
Olathe, CO 81425
(970) 323-8761
Beams & Timbers
Firewood & Fuelwood
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Colorado Wood Co., a Colorado-owned company for over 35 years, operates in timber harvesting, forest health and management activities. For the last 10 years we have been actively involved in finding and establishing markets for products generated from Colorado forests. cat3bt cat6cmpst cat9fw cat15logs cat16lum cat20post cat25wood cat26mul
Elements Mountain Compost PO Box 504
Salida, CO 81201
(719) 966-7645
Compost Since 2014, Elements Mountain Compost has worked with businesses and residents to divert organic waste from the landfill and create high-quality compost and soil amendments. Elements uses food waste mixed with wood waste from local forestry projects and lumber mills. All materials are sourced from central Colorado. Bagged, bulk and wholesale compost is available. We are located off County Road 140 between Salida and Poncha Springs. cat6cmpst
Huerfano Organic Waste Recycling Services Inc. 408 Russell
Walsenburg, CO 81089
(719) 695-0752
Firewood & Fuelwood
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Huerfano Organic Waster Recycling Services is a Colorado 501c-3 charitable organization that serves the organic recycling needs of Huerfano County in its capacity as the county organic recycling services center. The facility is on Industrial Blvd. in Walsenburg just past the transfer station and offers split cured firewood, mulch/compost and composting worms in season. 100% of our products are harvested in Huerfano County Colorado. cat6cmpst cat9fw cat23spec cat25wood cat26mul
JCK Corp. 11481 Brishton Rd.
Henderson, CO 80640
(303) 288-0654
Firewood & Fuelwood
Firewood – pine, oak and pinion; Sawdust – bulk and bags; Pine bundles cat6cmpst cat9fw
Markit! Forestry Management 2424 Garden of the Gods Rd., Suite 290
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
(719) 593-2365
Beams & Timbers
Firewood & Fuelwood
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Markit! Forestry is a forest management company based in Colorado Springs, Colo. We are proud to be recognized as leaders in sustainable forest management, helping to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, restore native vegetation and wildlife habitat, and create a healthy environment. We specialize in forest fuels reduction, forest health restoration, post-fire rehabilitation and creating defensible space. Biomass from our forestry projects goes to market as chip, firewood, forest mulch, fuel pellet feed stock and saw timber. cat3bt cat6cmpst cat9fw cat15logs cat16lum cat25wood cat26mul
Natural Building Innovations LLC 300 W. Gothic Ave.
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 209-7906
Animal Bedding
Art & Novelties
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Flooring & Paneling
Molding & Millwork
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Natural Building Innovations (NBI) integrates Colorado’s forest health with economic resilience and environmental education. By working with local, state and national forestry organizations, NBI recovers, processes and recirculates wood products back into the local economy, ensuring that all of our products sold, or used on projects, can be traced back to a best-practices forest management project.

More …

cat1ab cat2an cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat6cmpst cat10fp cat11furn cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb cat25wood cat26mul
Pitkin County Solid Waste Center 32046 Colo. 82, Snowmass Village, CO 81615
(970) 429-2887
Wood Chips
The Pitkin County Solid Waste Center accepts wood from fuel reduction and tree health work in Pitkin County.

Most of this wood is shredded and processed into U.S. Composting Council certified-compost which is bagged onsite and sold in bulk.

The center also sells 1-inch wood chips from local wood.

cat6cmpst cat25wood
Renewable Fiber 8395 U.S. Hwy. 85
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
(303) 857-0763
Animal Bedding
Landscape Ties
Wood Mulch
Compost and soil products, mulch and bark products, rock products, edging and supplies, animal bedding, landscape timbers and bioenergy fuel. cat1ab cat6cmpst cat13land cat21shav cat26mul
Shreiner Enterprises 4719 Arthur Mae Lane
Laporte, CO 80535
(970) 689-8788
Animal Bedding
Blue Stain
Firewood & Fuelwood
Log Homes & House Logs
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
cat1ab cat4bs cat6cmpst cat9fw cat11furn cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat20post cat21shav cat25wood cat26mul
Stonertop Lumber P.O. Box 269
Dolores, CO 81323
(970) 882-2350
Beams & Timbers
Firewood & Fuelwood
Log Homes & House Logs
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Mulch
Post & poles, house logs, vigas, native roughcut timber, mulch/compost, firewood. cat3bt cat6cmpst cat9fw cat14log cat20post cat26mul
Strong Post and Pole 286 County Road 236
Silt, CO 81652
(970) 366-2256
Animal Bedding
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Posts Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
A Colorado post and pole producer. Everything from houselogs to fence posts. cat1ab cat3bt cat4bs cat6cmpst cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat20post cat21shav cat22sid cat23spec cat25wood cat26mul
Sunrise Inc. P.O. Box 83
Telluride, CO
(970) 728-0134
Firewood & Fuelwood
Log Homes & House Logs
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Firewood, aspen, spruce, fir, oak, pinion and juniper in 1/3, 2/3 and full cords. Post and ranch poles in aspen and spruce. Some logs for ornamental use, log homes and furniture. Chips in 4-, 2, 3/4 and 4/5-inch sizes. Compost from wood mulch. cat6cmpst cat9fw cat11furn cat14log cat15logs cat20post cat25wood cat26mul
Table to Farm Compost PO Box 421, Durango, CO 81302
(970) 601-3113
Compost Table to Farm Compost is located in Durango, CO and our mission is to recycle food waste into compost and save the earth. Our compost is made from food scraps in La Plata County as well as wildfire mitigation in the San Juans. cat6cmpst
Uprooted Artistry 3300 Fillmore Ave.
Loveland, CO 80538
(720) 352-2726
Animal Bedding
Art & Novelties
Blue Stain
Firewood & Fuelwood
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Uprooted Artistry LLC is a family-owned business inspired by our appreciation of the Rocky Mountains. We have been clearing beetle killed pine for the past 10 years and using the byproduct in our home business.

Most recently our company has grown, providing forestry restoration services, working with the FCCD and the BTCD. We are committed to bringing quality products into the market, whether it be handcrafted products to be used in the home or business; firewood for camping or heating; and shredded wood products for the agriculture industry.

Bring us your vision and we will create it!

cat1ab cat2an cat4bs cat6cmpst cat9fw cat15logs cat23spec cat25wood cat26mul

Company URL Products Description Categories
A1 Organics
16350 County Road 76
Eaton, CO 80615
(970) 454-3492 Compost
Wood Mulch
Bulk and wholesale amounts of various types of compost, soil products and prepared wood-mulch products. cat6cmpst cat26mul
AMS Consolidated Timber Products
0286 County Road 236
Silt, CO
(970) 274-3907 Animal Bedding
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
With over five generations of experience and 35 years in business, our family owned business has grown to meet some of the industry’s highest expectations. We manufacture over 30 different styles of machined house logs primarily out of beetle-kill pine and spruce timber from Colorado forests. cat1ab cat3bt cat4bs cat6cmpst cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat19pell cat20post cat21shav cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb cat25wood cat26mul
Bowers Forestry
235 N. Uncompagre Ave.
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 549 6935 Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
We have 15 years of forest management and wildlife habitat enhancement and produce an excellent utilization of small-diameter forest products. cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat6cmpst cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat11furn cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat20post cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb
Colorado Wood Company Inc.
688 12th St.
Olathe, CO 81425
(970) 323-8761 Beams & Timbers
Firewood & Fuelwood
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Colorado Wood Co., a Colorado-owned company for over 35 years, operates in timber harvesting, forest health and management activities. For the last 10 years we have been actively involved in finding and establishing markets for products generated from Colorado forests. cat3bt cat6cmpst cat9fw cat15logs cat16lum cat20post cat25wood cat26mul
Elements Mountain Compost
PO Box 504
Salida, CO 81201
(719) 966-7645 Compost Since 2014, Elements Mountain Compost has worked with businesses and residents to divert organic waste from the landfill and create high-quality compost and soil amendments. Elements uses food waste mixed with wood waste from local forestry projects and lumber mills. All materials are sourced from central Colorado. Bagged, bulk and wholesale compost is available. We are located off County Road 140 between Salida and Poncha Springs. cat6cmpst
Huerfano Organic Waste Recycling Services Inc.
408 Russell
Walsenburg, CO 81089
(719) 695-0752 Compost
Firewood & Fuelwood
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Huerfano Organic Waster Recycling Services is a Colorado 501c-3 charitable organization that serves the organic recycling needs of Huerfano County in its capacity as the county organic recycling services center. The facility is on Industrial Blvd. in Walsenburg just past the transfer station and offers split cured firewood, mulch/compost and composting worms in season. 100% of our products are harvested in Huerfano County Colorado. cat6cmpst cat9fw cat23spec cat25wood cat26mul
JCK Corp.
11481 Brishton Rd.
Henderson, CO 80640
(303) 288-0654 Compost
Firewood & Fuelwood
Firewood – pine, oak and pinion; Sawdust – bulk and bags; Pine bundles cat6cmpst cat9fw
Markit! Forestry Management
2424 Garden of the Gods Rd., Suite 290
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
(719) 593-2365 Beams & Timbers
Firewood & Fuelwood
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Markit! Forestry is a forest management company based in Colorado Springs, Colo. We are proud to be recognized as leaders in sustainable forest management, helping to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildfire, restore native vegetation and wildlife habitat, and create a healthy environment. We specialize in forest fuels reduction, forest health restoration, post-fire rehabilitation and creating defensible space. Biomass from our forestry projects goes to market as chip, firewood, forest mulch, fuel pellet feed stock and saw timber. cat3bt cat6cmpst cat9fw cat15logs cat16lum cat25wood cat26mul
Natural Building Innovations LLC
300 W. Gothic Ave.
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 209-7906 Animal Bedding
Art & Novelties
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Cabinets Doors & Windows
Flooring & Paneling
Molding & Millwork
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Timber Frame
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Natural Building Innovations (NBI) integrates Colorado’s forest health with economic resilience and environmental education. By working with local, state and national forestry organizations, NBI recovers, processes and recirculates wood products back into the local economy, ensuring that all of our products sold, or used on projects, can be traced back to a best-practices forest management project. cat1ab cat2an cat3bt cat4bs cat5cdw cat6cmpst cat10fp cat11furn cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat22sid cat23spec cat24timb cat25wood cat26mul
Pitkin County Solid Waste Center
32046 Colo. 82, Snowmass Village, CO 81615
(970) 429-2887 Compost
Wood Chips
The Pitkin County Solid Waste Center accepts wood from fuel reduction and tree health work in Pitkin County.

Most of this wood is shredded and processed into U.S. Composting Council certified-compost which is bagged onsite and sold in bulk.

The center also sells 1-inch wood chips from local wood.

cat6cmpst cat25wood
Renewable Fiber
8395 U.S. Hwy. 85
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
(303) 857-0763 Animal Bedding
Landscape Ties
Wood Mulch
Compost and soil products, mulch and bark products, rock products, edging and supplies, animal bedding, landscape timbers and bioenergy fuel. cat1ab cat6cmpst cat13land cat21shav cat26mul
Shreiner Enterprises
4719 Arthur Mae Lane
Laporte, CO 80535
(970) 689-8788 Animal Bedding
Blue Stain
Firewood & Fuelwood
Log Homes & House Logs
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
cat1ab cat4bs cat6cmpst cat9fw cat11furn cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat20post cat21shav cat25wood cat26mul
Stonertop Lumber
P.O. Box 269
Dolores, CO 81323
(970) 882-2350 Beams & Timbers
Firewood & Fuelwood
Log Homes & House Logs
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Mulch
Post & poles, house logs, vigas, native roughcut timber, mulch/compost, firewood. cat3bt cat6cmpst cat9fw cat14log cat20post cat26mul
Strong Post and Pole
286 County Road 236
Silt, CO 81652
(970) 366-2256 Animal Bedding
Beams & Timbers
Blue Stain
Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Flooring & Paneling
Landscape Ties
Log Homes & House Logs
Molding & Millwork
Posts Poles & Fencing
Siding & Decking
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
A Colorado post and pole producer. Everything from houselogs to fence posts. cat1ab cat3bt cat4bs cat6cmpst cat8ext cat9fw cat10fp cat13land cat14log cat15logs cat16lum cat17mold cat20post cat21shav cat22sid cat23spec cat25wood cat26mul
Sunrise Inc.
P.O. Box 83
Telluride, CO
(970) 728-0134 Compost
Firewood & Fuelwood
Log Homes & House Logs
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Firewood, aspen, spruce, fir, oak, pinion and juniper in 1/3, 2/3 and full cords. Post and ranch poles in aspen and spruce. Some logs for ornamental use, log homes and furniture. Chips in 4-, 2, 3/4 and 4/5-inch sizes. Compost from wood mulch. cat6cmpst cat9fw cat11furn cat14log cat15logs cat20post cat25wood cat26mul
Table to Farm Compost
PO Box 421, Durango, CO 81302
(970) 601-3113 Compost Table to Farm Compost is located in Durango, CO and our mission is to recycle food waste into compost and save the earth. Our compost is made from food scraps in La Plata County as well as wildfire mitigation in the San Juans. cat6cmpst
Uprooted Artistry
3300 Fillmore Ave.
Loveland, CO 80538
(720) 352-2726 Animal Bedding
Art & Novelties
Blue Stain
Firewood & Fuelwood
Specialty Products
Wood Chips
Wood Mulch
Uprooted Artistry LLC is a family-owned business inspired by our appreciation of the Rocky Mountains. We have been clearing beetle killed pine for the past 10 years and using the byproduct in our home business.

Most recently our company has grown, providing forestry restoration services, working with the FCCD and the BTCD. We are committed to bringing quality products into the market, whether it be handcrafted products to be used in the home or business; firewood for camping or heating; and shredded wood products for the agriculture industry.

Bring us your vision and we will create it!

cat1ab cat2an cat4bs cat6cmpst cat9fw cat15logs cat23spec cat25wood cat26mul

To Sort & Search

  • Click on the Name column header below to sort companies by Name in ascending or descending order
  • Use the search box below and type in a keyword, for example “logs” or “Fairplay”
  • Click on a company name or row in the table below and a page will display with details, contact information and a location map

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service