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Whistling Duck Furniture

Contact Seth Cope
Address 8262 University Blvd. #135
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone (720) 442-7779
County, Area Located in Arapahoe County, part of the CSFS Northeast Area
Product Categories Blue Stain, Furniture, Specialty Products
Company Profile Whistling Duck Furniture believes in not just building great sustainable hand-crafted furniture, but also long-lasting sustainable relationships. We believe that furniture can add personality and character to every home or business and be a great tool for gathering people together to enjoy life to the fullest.

We strive to be one of the top environmentally friendly furniture companies. In order to achieve this we make every attempt to procure re-purposed, beetle-killed and other wood harvested or cut down for other reasons. We track this percentage of product for accountability and partner with non-profits to replace any forests used or damaged by other companies' business practices.

Whistling Duck Furniture makes the best furniture products possible using these products.


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