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Bancroft Ranch Wellington Lake Rd.
Pine, CO
Firewood & Fuelwood
Holiday Trees & Transplants
We anticipate harvesting over 50 cords of Douglas-fir saw logs and firewood within the next two years, but we also have small quantities of mixed firewood annually. From our small but growing nursery, we sell blue & Engelmann spruce, Douglas-fir and ponderosa in 2-gallon grow bags. We also create beautiful custom walking sticks from our aspen trees.
Colorado Native Christmas Trees Ute Lane
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 275-4852Holiday Trees & TransplantsWe thin mountain properties for private, city, county, state or federal lands and utilize the product for Christmas trees! For 29 years we have worked all over the state of Colorado.
Foxfire Fuelwood inc. Box 881005
Steamboat Springs, CO 80488
(970) 736-2745Blue Stain
Firewood & Fuelwood
Holiday Trees & Transplants
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Providing access and defensible space for emergency incident responders. Fuel treatments including tree thinning, pruning and chipping. Fuel break construction. Recent category 1 hotshot foreman with 15 years of experience. We offer biomass fuel in properly processed, aged and measured fuelwood cords and bundles from lodgepole pine, aspen and pinion. Fence posts and rails, sawlogs and seasonal Christmas trees. Hand-crafted and natural wood material suitable for furniture making.
Resort Valley Ranch East Inc Resort Creek Rd.
Foxton, CO 80433
(303) 838-5894Firewood & Fuelwood
Holiday Trees & Transplants
Posts, Poles & Fencing
We are doing forest mitigation work through Jefferson Conservation District and developing a variety of products from this work. We also cut Christmas trees for wholesale & retail.
Summerhill Tree Farm Quillan Gulch Rd.
Loveland, CO 80537
(970) 669-1238Firewood & Fuelwood
Holiday Trees & Transplants
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Post & poles, firewood and cut-your-own Christmas trees.
Vaughn's Tree Service Gold Hill Rd.
Boulder, CO 80302
(303) 517-9524Exterior Buildings
Firewood & Fuelwood
Holiday Trees & Transplants
Posts, Poles & Fencing
Specialty Products
Large- and small-diameter aspen and ponderosa tree trunks, live aspen trees, post & poles, firewood, logs, tool sheds, log furniture, mini cabins, bat houses, birdhouses.

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Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service