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The Franktown Field Office provides technical community forestry assistance to communities in Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and Lincoln counties.

Key components of our community forestry program include:

  • Helping support local tree boards
  • Conducting street and park tree inventories
  • Conducting insect and disease assessments
  • Assisting with tree planting and tree care needs
  • Offering technical assistance on how to plant and maintain trees

Caring for our trees not only protects our investment, but provides benefits for the future. People often choose community trees for their beauty and ability to provide shade. Trees benefit communities by providing urban forests that many times include social attachment to individual trees. They also improve air quality, control erosion, moderate the sun’s effects and attract wildlife.

Key components of our Community Forestry Program include:

  • Helping organize and support local tree boards
  • Conducting insect and disease assessments
  • Assisting with tree planting and tree care needs
  • Offering technical assistance on how to plant and maintain trees
  • Providing information and workshops on tree care


Tree City USA

The National Arbor Day Foundation (NADF) encourages tree planting and environmental stewardship through educational programs. Two NADF programs that are utilized on the Franktown Field Office are Tree City USA and Arbor Day celebrations. For a community to become a Tree City USA, four requirements must be met to receive this honor:

  1. Have a tree board or city department that is responsible for the trees
  2. A tree care ordinance
  3. A community forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 per capita
  4. An Arbor Day observance and proclamation

If your community is interested in becoming a Tree City USA, please contact the Franktown Field Office or visit the National Arbor Day Foundation.

As of 2014, there are 10 communities in the Franktown area that are recognized as being a Tree City USA: Aurora, Buckley AFB, Castle Rock, Cherry Hills Village, Elizabeth, Greenwood Village, Highlands Ranch, Limon, Lone Tree and Parker.

Arbor Day

A day to celebrate the planting of trees was the idea of J. Sterling Morton, who promoted tree planting while employed for the Nebraska Territory. The very first Arbor Day was celebrated in Nebraska in 1872 and was inaugurated by planting over 1 million trees in just one day. According to Colorado Revised Statues (C.R.S. 24-11-104): The third Friday in April each year shall be set apart and known as “Arbor Day” to be observed by the people of this state in the planting of forest trees for the benefit and adornment of public and private grounds, places, and ways in such other efforts and undertakings as shall in harmony with the general character of the day established.

To learn more about Arbor Day and how to incorporate a celebration in your community, visit the Arbor Day Foundation.

Recommended Tree List for Franktown

Proper tree selection is important when replacing or adding trees to your urban forest. A tree’s shape, characteristics, growth rate and size at maturity should be considered when choosing a location for it.

Tree & Shrub Planting

You have selected your tree or shrub and the location has been chosen, now comes the planting. This is where the plant will be located for the rest of its life! It is very important to plant at the right depth and remove as much of the packaging the tree came in as possible.

Following these steps will give your tree or shrub the opportunity for a long and healthy life for your family to enjoy.

Tree Care & Maintenance

Urban trees and shrubs require pruning to help make them strong and healthy, and to prevent any damage during strong storms. They also require adequate watering and general care. The following information can help you make the right choices and use the proper techniques when caring for your trees and shrubs:

Community Forestry Links

To learn more about trees in your community, please visit:

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service