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The La Veta Field Office forest management program provides a variety of forest land management and watershed protection services to Colorado landowners.

A managed forest in the La Veta District
A managed forest in La Veta

What comes to mind when you think of southern Colorado forests? Is it recreation, or a mountain retreat? Is it wood for building or making furniture? Or how about cold mountain streams fed by forest runoff? While many people will answer differently, it is clear that these forests mean many things to many people.

The La Veta Field Office of the Colorado State Forest Service is here to help you manage your forested lands so they can provide the values important to you now, and benefits for future generations.

We provide the following services to assist private landowners in managing their forests, whether large or small:

  • Forest management planning
  • Timber management project design
  • Wildfire risk reduction planning
  • Insect and disease surveys and detection
  • Seedling tree planning and planting advice
  • Public information and education for a variety of audiences
  • Sick tree calls, for any size of property and in urban settings
  • Windbreak and living snow fence design
  • Workshops for landowners, communities and homeowner associations
Seedling tree planting in a forested area burned by wildfire
Seedling tree planting in a forested area burned by wildfire

Seedling tree planting in a forested area burned by wildfire.

Sound forest management doesn’t happen by accident – it requires effort and dedication by responsible forest landowners.

Collaboration is a key component toward this end, and the Colorado State Forest Service La Veta Field Office is here to provide the advice and information you require to ensure a healthy and productive forest, now and into the future.

Please contact us at the La Veta Field Office if you would like to discuss the management of your forested lands.

Forest Management Links

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service