Nursery Resources for Landowners

Seedling Sizes
How to Plant Trees
Take the guesswork out of planting and caring for seedling trees with the CSFS Nursery’s “Growing Great Trees” video series and Planting Guide publication. Each resource provides step-by-step tips on how to plant and care for your new seedling trees to help them thrive.
Buyer’s Guide
This catalog includes descriptions of an assortment of both deciduous and coniferous species that we offer. Descriptions include approximate size, density, drought resistance, elevation range and much more. Ornamental qualities such as color, degree of flowering, fruit productions, etc. are not guaranteed. This buyer’s guide does not contain all of the species we offer.
Please see our current seedling inventory or call us at (970) 491-8429, to inquire about our full listing of available species.
Planning, Planting, Care
This publication, created by the CSFS, includes information about the planning process, planting and after care of your seedling trees.
The University of Wyoming Extension publication titled Take a Break From the Wind! includes information about the benefits, planning and planting involved when constructing windbreaks and living snow fences.
The National Agroforestry Center partnered with the US Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service to highlight the following benefits and issues that agroforestry practices can provide or address:
Working Trees Info Series
- What is a Windbreak?
- What is Agroforestry
- What is Ally Cropping?
- What is a Riparian Forest Buffer?
- How Can Agroforestry Help Pollinators?
- Can Windbreaks Help With Organic Farming?
Working Trees Series
- Working Trees for Agriculture
- Working Trees for Communities
- Working Trees for Livestock
- Working Trees for Pollinators
- Working Trees for Water Quality
- Working Trees for Wildlife
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Arbor Day Foundation, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, and the USDA National Agroforestry Center produced the following brochures that include pertinent information about:
Specialty Forest Production and Products
Covering Conservation
The seedling program allows farmers, ranchers, other landowners and land managers to obtain trees at a nominal cost to help achieve conservation goals, including:
- Restoration after wildfire, flood and other natural disturbances
- Growing shelterbelts, windbreaks and living snow fences
- Creating and enhancing wildlife habitat
- Protecting homes, cropland, livestock and highways
- Increasing erosion control
- Practicing “backyard” conservation that promotes clean air and water
Sharing Knowledge
Conservation and sustainability are the nursery’s primary goals, with a commitment to community, stewardship and cooperation.
The nursery supports education about conservation practices – particularly to Colorado youth – through tours, field trips, workshops and community engagement.
The CSFS Nursery works with Colorado State University and other partners on research that examines the state’s most pressing natural resource issues.
Nursery staff share findings from plant trials, seed stratification tests and similar research to contribute knowledge to cooperating agencies.
Take a Virtual Tour
Discover the behind-the-scenes activity at our Fort Collins facility by visiting our Take a Quick Tour of the Nursery page.
You’ll learn about:
- Greenhouse production
- Bare root production
- Lifting
- Conservation efforts