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Our Activities Include:


Southwest Area Profile

  • 15.7 million acres
  • 1.9 million private forested acres
  • 123,000 approved stewardship acres

Supervisory Foresters

Adam Moore, Communication & Communities Supervisory Forester – Based in the Alamosa Field Office. Oversees the Salida Field Office. Supervises urban and community forestry; advises on tree selection/planting/care; provides forestry education for youth; promotes forest health utilizing multiple channels and techniques for marketing, outreach, education and external communications; helps communities with Community Wildfire Protection Plans.

Jodi Rist, Forest Planning & Implementation Supervisory Forester – Based in the Montrose Field Office. Supervises forest management programs that include Firewise USA®, fire/fuels/forested watershed management, and Good Neighbor Authority projects on U.S. Forest Service land.

JT Shaver, Supervisory Forester – Based in the Salida Field Office.


Administrative Assistants – Aubrey Barber-Wilkins oversees budget and financial management.

Southwest Area Field Offices

Office Address Phone Numbers
Alamosa 101 South Craft Drive, Ste B
Alamosa, CO 81101-1137
(719) 587-0915
(719) 587-0917
FAX (719) 587-0916
[email protected]
Durango FLC 7233
1000 Rim Drive
Fort Lewis College Campus
Durango, CO 81301-3908
(970) 247-5250
FAX (970) 247-5252
[email protected]
Gunnison PO Box 1390
Mountain Meadows Research Center
106 Maintenance Drive
Gunnison, CO 81230
(970) 641-6852
FAX (970) 641-0653
[email protected]
Montrose 535 South Nevada Ave.
Montrose, CO 81401
(970) 249-9051
[email protected]
Salida 7980 West Highway 50
Salida, CO 81201-9571
(719) 539-2579
FAX (719) 539-2570
[email protected]

Type your address or the city or town where you live into the search field on this map.

Map powered by the Colorado Forest Atlas from the Colorado State Forest Service